- Description
- Objectives
- Outline
- Materials
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- System Requirements
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Our Complete Career Training Programs (CCTP) include both the training you need and the skills you will want in order to be prepared for your new career. We have taken online career programs to a whole new level by bundling our Career Training with Personal Enrichment courses to ensure you have a diversified learning experience.
Our mentor-supported career courses focus on the industry standards that prepare you for your chosen career or certification. You will also get our smaller, four-week long, instructor-led personal enrichment courses to further your employment training.
Sign up today for this all-inclusive career training program!
Early Childhood Development
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Recall theories and perspectives on child development
- Identify features of genetics, prenatal development, and birth
- Recognize characteristics of development in newborns, infants, and toddlers
- Discuss components of development in preschool age children
- Recall aspects of development in primary age children
Child Day Care Management
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Recall the elements involved in observation, assessment, and evaluation
- Identify methods and considerations for developing curriculum
- Recognize the basics of science, technology, engineering, and math
- Describe elements of language, literacy, art, and music
- Recall the elements involved in starting a daycare business
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Define the principles of integrating a healthy childhood lifestyle to achieve optimal growth and development
- List the basics of infectious diseases and how they affect health
- Identify the methods for maintaining a safe environment which reduces the risk of injury
- Recall the procedures for assessing social and emotional development of children
- Recognize the standards of nutrition and the process of planning healthy meals
Preschool Fun Ideas!
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify components of an early childhood classroom
- Define the four major learning domains and how they affect learning
- Recognize how to create engaging daily activities for small and whole groups
- Recall the basics for creating lesson plans
Marketing & PR
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify how the web has changed the rules of Marketing and PR
- Recall your marketing options and how to build a marketing and PR plan
- Recognize the basics of mobile and web marketing
- Identify the importance of news releases and search engine marketing
Accounting for the Non-Accountant
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify the generally accepted principles of accounting
- Recall the use of income statements in corporations
- Recognize the short-term and long-term analysis of working capital and ratios
- List how to budget efficiently for a business or organization
Early Childhood Development
Early Childhood Development Module 1
Studying Early Childhood Development
- What is Early Childhood Development?
- Western Perspectives on Childhood
- Interactions with Children
- Curriculum Planning
- Observing Children and Identifying Special needs
- Understanding and Appreciating Diversity
- Advocacy and Shaping of Public Policy
Early Childhood Development Module 2
Research and Assessment
- Early Child Study
- Correlational Studies
- Experimental Studies
- Qualitative/Ethnographic Studies
- Assessment and Accountability Movement
- Summative Assessment
- Formative Assessment
- Assessment to Identify Disabilities
Early Childhood Development Module 3
Theories of Child Development
- Maturationist Theory
- Behaviorist Theory
- Psychoanalytic Theory
- Cognitive-Developmental Theory
- Neo-Piagetian Theories
- Sociocultural Theory
- Information Processing Theory
- Ecological Systems Theory
- Neuroscience and Theories of Development
Early Childhood Development Module 4
Genetics, Prenatal Development, and Birth
- Genes and Chromosomes
- Hereditary Diseases
- Genetics from a Multicultural Perspective
- Prenatal Development
- Teen Pregnancy
- Childbirth
- Western Childbirth Procedures
Early Childhood Development Module 5
The Newborn
- Physical Characteristics of Newborns
- Newborn Psychological States
- Sleeping and Waking Activity States
- Crying
- Breastfeeding
- Reflexes
- Newborns with Special Needs
- Genetic Disorders
- Environmental Risk Factors
- Poor Health Status and Prematurity
- Protecting the Newborn Brain
Early Childhood Development Module 6
Physical and Cognitive Development of Infants and Toddlers
- Physical Growth and Motor Development
- Motor Abilities
- Self-Care Skills
- Perceptual Development of Infants and Toddlers
- Brain Growth of Infants and Toddlers
- Visual and Hearing Impairments
- Infant and Toddler Obesity
Early Childhood Development Module 7
Language, Social, and Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers
- Receptive Communication
- Productive Communication
- First Words
- Two-Word Utterances
- Infant and Toddler Literacy
- Trust and Attachment
- Autonomy of Toddlers
- Temperament
- Early Emotions
- Relationships and Egocentrism
Early Childhood Development Module 8
Physical, Motor, and Cognitive Development in Preschool Years
- Gross Motor Development
- Motor Play and Culture
- Body-Brain Connection
- Fine Motor Development
- Artistic Development
- Gender and Motor Development
- Piaget’s Theory
- Vygotsky’s Perspective on Cognitive Development
- Information Processing
- Academic Skills and Assessment
Early Childhood Development Module 9
Language, Social, and Emotional Development in Preschool Years
- Sociodramatic Play
- Facilitating the Play
- First and Second Language Acquisition
- Literacy Development
- Emotional Growth
- Peer Status and Friendships
- Culture and Prosocial Behaviors
- Sources of Variation in Social Competence
Early Childhood Development Module 10
Physical, Motor, and Cognitive Development in Primary Years
- Physical Appearance and Stature
- Poverty and Health Status
- Motor Play and Culture
- Modern Threats to Play
- Schools Across Cultures
- Intelligence
- Culture and Traditional School Subjects
- Critique of Traditional Theories
- Metacognitive
- Culture and School Success
Early Childhood Development Module 11
Language, Social, and Emotional Development in Primary Years
- First and Second Language Acquisition
- Writing in the Primary Years
- Reading Development
- Literacy and Culture
- Sense of Competence
- Types of Self-Esteem
- Early Identity Formation
- Peer Relationships
- Moral Development
Early Childhood Development Module 12
Parents, Families, and Children
- Types of Families
- Family Members Who Influence Children’s Development
- Parent Beliefs About Child Development
- Parenting Styles
- Adult-Child Interactions
- Risk and Protective Factors
**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**
Child Day Care Management
Child Day Care Management Module 1
Observation, Assessment, Evaluation and Documentation
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice
- Importance of Play
- Communication with Families
- Process of Evaluation
- Purposes of Observation, Assessment, and Evaluation
- Plan of Observation
- Methods of Evaluation
- Authentic Assessment
- Documentation
Child Day Care Management Module 2
Curriculum and Learning Enviroment
- Process of Planning and Scheduling
- Schedules and Routines
- Curriculum Development
- Anti-Bias Considerations
- Themes, Units, Projects, and Webs
- Lesson Plans
- Managing the Early Childhood Environment
- Equipment
- Materials
- Supplies
- Managing the Environment with Appropriate Guidance Techniques
Child Day Care Management Module 3
Science and Technology
- Science in Early Childhood Defined
- Developmental Stages of Science Play and Learning
- Planning and Preparing the Environment
- Integrating Science in the Curriculum
- Diversity of Science
- Technology in Early Childhood Defined
- Integrating technology in the Curriculum
- Diversity in Technology
Child Day Care Management Module 4
Engineering and Math
- Engineering Play, Block Play, and Woodworking Defined
- Developmental Stages of Block Building
- Integrating Engineering and Construction Play in the Curriculum
- Developmental Stages of Math
- Integrating Math Activities into the Curriculum
- Diversity in Math Play
Child Day Care Management Module 5
Language, Literacy and Art
- Language, Literacy, and Literature Defined
- Developmental Stages of Language and Literacy
- Literacy Development of Young Children
- Integrating Language and Literacy into the Curriculum
- Developmental Stages of Art
- Planning and Preparing the Environment
- Diversity in Visual Arts
Child Day Care Management Module 6
Music and Performing Arts
- Developmental Stages of Music
- Integrating Music Play in the Curriculum
- Creating Partnerships with Families
- Dramatic Play and Social Studies Defined
- Developmental Stages of Dramatic Play and Social Studies
- Integrating Dramatic Play and Social Studies in the Curriculum
- Diversity in Dramatic Play and Social Studies
Child Day Care Management Module 7
Physical Senses of the Body
- Fine Motor and Manipulatives
- Large Motor and Outdoor Play
- Integrating Large Muscle and Outdoor Play
- Sensory Play
- Developmental Stages
Child Day Care Management Module 8
Establishing Your Business
- Getting Off to a Good Start
- Advertising Your Business
- Establishing the Ground Rules
- Preparation for the Children
- Health and Safety
Child Day Care Management Module 9
Running Your Business
- Building a Good Relationship with Parents
- Craft Recipes
- Play and Learn Activities
- Troubleshooting
- Starting a Mother’s Day Out Program
**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 1
Children’s Well-Being and Health Observations
- Health, Safety, and Nutrition
- Children’s Growth and Development
- Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
- Promoting Children’s Health
- Observation as a Screening Tool
- Daily Health Checks
- Family Involvement
- Health Education
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 2
Health Assessments and Special Medical Conditions
- Health Records
- Screening Procedures
- Referrals
- Inclusive Education: Supporting Children’s Success
- Common Chronic Diseases
- Chronic Medical Conditions
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 3
Infectious Process and Childhood Illnesses
- Risk Factors
- Communicable Illness
- Stages of Illness
- Control Measures
- Common Communicable Childhood Illnesses
- Common Acute Childhood Illnesses
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 4
High-Quality Environments and Safety Management
- Identifying High-Quality Programs
- Early Childhood Program Licensure
- Features of High-Quality Programs
- Guidelines for Safe Environments
- Safety Management
- Risk Management
- Implementing Safety Practices
- Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 5
Keeping Children Safe
- Responding to Medical Emergencies
- Emergency Care vs. First Aid
- Discipline vs. Punishment
- Abuse and Neglect
- Understanding the Risk Factors for Maltreatment
- Reporting Laws
- Family Involvement in Health and Safety Education
- Teacher Inservice in Health and Safety Education
- Effective Instructional Design
- Activity Plans
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 6
Food and Nutrients: Basic Concepts
- Nutrition Guidelines
- MyPlate
- Food Labels
- Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins
- Children and At-Risk Nutrients
- Proteins
- Vitamins and Minerals
- Water and Growth
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 7
Nutrition and the Young Child
- Feeding Infants
- Meeting the Infant’s Nutritional Needs for Growth and Brain Development
- Feeding Time for the Infant
- Introducing Semi-Sold Foods
- Feeding Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-Age Children
- Challenges of Feeding
- Promoting Healthy Eating Habits
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 8
Developing Menus and Food Safety
- Developing the Menu
- Nutritious Snacks
- Planning the Menu Within Budget
- Food Safety
- Food-Related Illness
- Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
- Food-Borne Illnesses
- Rationale for Teaching Children about Nutrition
- Developing Lesson Plans for Nutrition Activities
**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**
Preschool Fun Ideas!
Preschool Fun Ideas! Module 1
The Realities of Preschool: A Look Inside Early Childhood Classrooms
Module one will take a look at early childhood classrooms through the textbook, videos and websites. We will discuss specific materials that are appropriate for each learning center. The module will also focus on weekly and monthly themes for incorporating age appropriate curriculum and how to segment activities into a daily schedule.
- Creating a Nurturing Environment
- Key Features of a Learning Center
- Weekly/Monthly Lesson Plan Themes
- Segmenting Instruction
- Daily Schedules & Learning
Preschool Fun Ideas! Module 2
Learning Domains
Module two will discuss the major learning domains: social, emotional, physical and cognitive and discuss how they affect learning for young children. We will cover the differences between individualized and whole group discussion and decide which activities work best with both models of teaching. Finally we will decide how to implement individualized learning and whole group instruction practices by analyzing different classrooms and activities through the textbook, videos and websites.
- Discuss Major Learning Domains
- Individualized Instruction
- Whole Group Instruction
- Analyzing Classrooms
- Implementing Learning Practices
Preschool Fun Ideas! Module 3
Daily Activities
Module three focuses on developing creative and engaging daily activities for small groups and the entire class. Also included is discussion on how to change direction of an activity due to student response.
- Utilizing Creativity
- Student Engagement
- Experiment with Activities
- Implement Ideas
- Record Experiences
Preschool Fun Ideas! Module 4
Creating a Lesson Plan
In Module four you will take all of your knowledge from the previous modules to create a lesson plan with the template provided. Please refer to the textbook, websites, and videos for ideas, however you are encouraged to use original ideas. Please keep the following in mind as you are creating your lesson plan and remember to always engaging activities.
- Learning Centers
- Daily Activities
- Learning Domains
- Individualized Learning
- Whole Group Learning
Marketing & PR
Marketing & PR Module 1
How the Web Has Changed the Rules of Marketing/PR and Web-based Communications to Reach Your Buyers Directly
In module one we will be discussing how the old rules of Marketing & PR have changed and what this means for us today. The new rules of Marketing & PR will be introduced and we will apply them to how we can reach potential buyers and current clients directly. Social media will also be looked at this week as well as the various other forms of web-based communications.
- How the Old Rules of Marketing & PR are Ineffective
- The New Rules of Marketing & PR
- Social Media & Target Audience
- Content-Rich Website
- Audio & Video
Marketing & PR Module 2
Action Plan for Harnessing the Power of the New Rules
We will go more into depth in module two as we explore our marketing options and build our Marketing & PR plan. Some marketing efforts can be helpful to your business/brand, but others can be harmful. This is why we must develop a plan and analyze it. In addition, we’ll learn why it is important to connect with buyers and what keeps them coming back, all within the new rules of Marketing & PR.
- Marketing & PR in Real Time
- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
- Building Your Marketing Plan
- Growing Your Business
- Strategies for Creating Awesome Content
Marketing & PR Module 3
Social Networking and Web Content for Marketing
In module three get ready to hit the web as we explore why having the right tools on your site matter for marketing. We will discuss all the areas that perhaps many don’t think they need; from blogging to videos, we will cover the in’s and outs of web content and how to use it when marketing your business or brand.
- Social Networking as Marketing
- Blogging to Reach Your Buyers
- Using Photographs as Marketing Tools
- Video and Podcasts
- News Releases
Marketing & PR Module 4
New Rules for Reaching the Media and Search Engine Marketing
In our final module, the news is where we will focus our time. I bet many don’t realize that there are a number of useful marketing tools just sitting in the news media. The web has changed the way we deliver the news and for PR professionals it is important to understand the basics of how news releases affect our business and brand if not done correctly. We will also focus some of our time in the world of Google and how PR professionals use this well-known site as the top in search engine optimization (SEO). We will close our course out with how to apply all we have learned and changing our mindset, facing our fears and getting the help you need to be successful.
- Newsroom: Reaching Reporters and Editors and Telling Your Story
- The New Rule for Media Relations
- Newsjacking for Media
- Search Engine Marketing and Optimization
- Managing Your Fears in Marketing & PR
Accounting for the Non-Accountant
Accounting for the Non Accountant Module 1
Accounting Basics
Module one provides an overview of bookkeeping and various financial statements, such as income or statement of cash flows. It also illustrates how proprietorships, partnerships and corporations operate and use accounting principles differently. Each type of business uses accounting for different purposes. Finally, proper accounting standards and how they are used will be addressed.
- What is Accounting?
- Understanding Financial Statements
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- U.S. Accounting Standards vs. International Standards
- Balance Sheets
Accounting for the Non Accountant Module 2
Income Statements and Cash Flow
Module two illustrates the importance of understanding income statements, specifically what they are and how businesses use them. Aspects of business revenue, profits, losses and expenses is also covered. You will learn how to prepare a profit and loss statement. By the end of module two, you will also have working knowledge of capital stock, dividends and treasury stock.
- Understanding Income Statements
- Statement of Cash Flow
- Capital Stock
- Cash Dividends and Stock Dividends
- Treasury Stock
Accounting for the Non Accountant Module 3
Financial Statements and Analysis
Module three will teach you how to analyze and examine financial accounts. You will learn how to conduct business analysis, determine financial risk and understand dividend data. Short term analysis versus long term analysis is discussed, as well as understanding assets and ratios.
- Double-Entry Accounting
- Short Term Analysis
- Assets and Ratios
- Quality of Earnings
- Dividend Data
Accounting for the Non Accountant Module 4
Module four provides an overview of planning, creating and managing a budget, as well as discussing the differences between sales and capital budgets. Ideas for working with auditors for interpreting financial statements and dealing with audits are provided. Finally, tips for preventing fraud in your business and ethically appropriate practices are given.
- Planning and Controlling a Budget
- Sales and Capital Budget
- Audits and Auditors
- Fraud and Ethics
- Preventing Fraud in an Organization
All course materials included.
Early Childhood Development
Child Day Care Management
Upon successful completion of our Child Day Care Management course, students will be prepared for a job in the Child Day Care industry and, in part, for the education requirements to earn a Preschool Child Development Associate (CDA) credential.
Note: This course is not affiliated with, nor has it been endorsed by the Council for Professional Recognition (CDA).
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition
Preschool Fun Ideas!
Marketing & PR
Accounting for the Non-Accountant
Internet Connection
- Broadband or High-Speed - DSL, Cable, and Wireless Connections
*Dial-Up internet connections will result in a diminished online experience. Classroom pages may load slowly and viewing large audio and video files may not be possible.
Hardware Requirements
- Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
- Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended
PC Software Requirements
- Operating Systems - Windows 7 or higher
- Microsoft Office 2013 or higher. Also, you could use a general Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
- Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is highly recommended
- Cookies MUST be enabled
- Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
- The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
- PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
- Adobe PDF Reader
- QuickTime, Windows Media Player &/or Real Player
MAC Software Requirements
- Operating Systems - Mac OS x 10 or higher with Windows
- Mac office programs or a Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
- Internet Browsers- Google Chrome is highly recommended
- Cookies MUST be enabled
- Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
- The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
- PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
- Adobe PDF Reader
- Apple QuickTime Media Player